A charming video featuring elephants organizing what appears to be a “funeral” for a deceased young elephant has gone viral and evoked intense emotions on social media.
The heartwarming video that Parveen Kaswan, an Indian forest ranger with the Foreign Service, posted on Twitter has received thousands of views. The video shows an adult Indian elephant gently carrying a juvenile elephant’s deceased body on its trunk as it emerges from a forest and crosses a road.
Another user named Sumita Bhatt sent a remark expressing her disbelief, saying, “OMG!!!” This is the first video I’ve ever seen like this. incredibly poignant Mohan Alembath said, “elephants’ capacity for complex emotions like grief is truly remarkable.” He also thought the film was quite emotional.
Many animals, including elephants, have been observed displaying indications of mourning; nonetheless, scientists advise against attributing human-like “grief” to animals. They have been known to take a keen interest in their deceased loved one’s bones and to periodically take part in what appear to be “funeral” ceremonies.
According to the Smithsonian magazine, dead herd members’ carcasses are often passed by by elephants, who have been observed to touch and sniff the bones. These deeds express respect or sympathy for the departed.
The world witnessed a similar display of grief last year when a mother killer whale spent more than two weeks traveling across Canadian waters carrying her dead offspring on her back before releasing it.